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Jackie Collins Interview Youtube Job

Tuesday, 22-Jun-21 01:36:12 UTC

It's been 40 years since Jackie Collins' first bestseller, The World is Full of Married Men, gave readers an insider's view of an extravagant Hollywood lifestyle. After writing 23 New York Times bestsellers, Collins shows no signs of slowing down and has just published her latest novel, Married Lovers. True to form, she serves up her signature dish of saucy heroines and delectable men, along with generous helpings of money, sex, and scandal. Collins talked with Goodreads about her long career, life in Hollywood, and what she's writing next. Goodreads: Many of your fans probably picture you traveling in luxury on private planes, but right now you are touring America in a bus! How is life on the road treating you? Jackie Collins: I love how life on the road feels. My tour bus is incredible, with a queen-size bed, several large-screen TVs, and all other luxuries. It's a blast! GR: You describe Cameron Paradise, the heroine of your new novel, Married Lovers, as "five feet, eight inches tall, with a well-toned body, flawless skin, high cheekbones, and dirty blond hair worn short and spiky, with long bangs that drifted sexily above her pale green eyes. "

Jackie collins interview youtube job opportunities

Max, now 18 and independent-minded, is in Europe on the cusp of a huge modeling contract, while Bobby is finding huge success as a club owner with venues across the U. S. But the family's past in organized crime has never fully disappeared, and it's about to hit them hard on many levels. Click book cover for info on how to buy! The great thing about Collins' saga of the family is that you don't have to necessarily start the series from 1981's "Chances" and proceed to read the following seven releases to pick up and immediately understand what's going on in "The Santangelos. " The wickedly funny and whip-smart Collins, 77, manages — as this first-time reader of her work found out — to quickly bring you up to speed on the background of the characters in the novel's opening chapters. "You can read 'The Santangelos' without reading any of the other books, " Collins said. "The new book stands on its own and that's what I like about it. But what I hope will happens is, once people read the book, they'll have to read all the other Santangelo books.

Anissa maintaining composure on the phone to Jackie Jackie Collins is the younger sister of uber-cougar Joan Collins and has inexplicably sold over 400 million of her books worldwide. We don't really get it but our friend Anissa LOVES her, has read all her books at least once and has thrown at least two Jackie Collins inspired dress-up parties. When a publicist (who evidently had no idea how unlikely it was that we'd ever run an interview with Jackie Collins) called to ask whether we'd like to interview Jackie about her new book, Poor Little Bitch Girl, we were like, "You're in luck, we've got just the person. " On the night of the interview, watching Anissa timidly dial the American number she'd been given for Jackie was equal parts hilarious and excruciating. It was understandably daunting given that this was her very first interview but after a shaky introduction, messing up the title of the book in her first question, correcting herself and steadying her voice, she pretty much got into the swing of it.

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  • An Interview with Jackie Collins which we Forgot to Post
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Piers Morgan, what a crap, so-called journalist - he says to Jackie Collins "You were divorced twice... " and when she corrects him and says no, she divorced her first husband but her second husband Oscar tragically died of prostate cancer after 22 years of happy marriage he says "Oh yes, I remember him". So Piers, you remember Oscar but you forgot that he died? What a cretin, how did he ever get on telly? Morgan Olfursson 2 years ago +1 The name is Morgan, that's how he got on TV > He comes from Moneybag family with a very VERY long arm.

Which fictional character most resembles you? I would love to be Lucky Santangelo in another life. Who is your hero/heroine from outside literature? Angelina Jolie. A woman who had done it all with style and grace. I am a great admirer. Jackie Collins's new book, 'The Santangelos' is published by Simon & Schuster

Where are you now and what can you see? Sitting in my writing study gazing out at the Hollywood Hills, a profusion of palm trees and my gorgeous azure swimming pool. What are you currently reading? "Disclaimer" by Renée Knight. A sensational psychological thriller. Choose a favourite author and say why you admire her/him Mario Puzzo. "The Godfather" is a fast and furious trip filled with magnificent and damaged characters. Unputdownable. Describe the room where you usually write Independent Culture Newsletter The best in film, music TV & radio straight to your inbox every week Independent Culture Newsletter The best in film, music TV & radio straight to your inbox every week Thanks for signing up to the Independent Culture newsletter {{#verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}} {{^verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}} I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice My study - filled with books, CD's, computers, bronzes of cheetahs and leopards and a thousand felt-tip pens!

Certainly a physical ideal, even a fantasy. Off the page in real life, what makes a woman sexy? JC: Attitude! A self-confident look at life and a well put-together appearance. Also a sense of humor, long legs, and a feeling she can do anything! GR: Your first novel, The World is Full of Married Men, was published in 1968 and was promptly banned in several countries because of its sexual content. Not many authors, let alone female authors, were writing about sex at that time. How did this early controversy influence you? JC: It made me stronger. It made me more determined to succeed. It made me want to prove that women can achieve plenty, and as a school dropout at 15, it was a real challenge to ignore the criticism and keep writing. GR: Your books often spoof the lives of the rich and famous. So what happens when you actually interact with the rich and famous at dinner parties and events in Hollywood? Are they scared to talk to you, knowing you'll immortalize their stories in the pages of your next novel?

jackie collins "I feel like she made us strong women, " Tiffany Lerman says about her mother. The first lesson to learn about battling widespread breast cancer is that it almost always is a long-term illness, not an 'Is it true that Jackie Collins passed away today of breast cancer? ' The message came via Facebook Saturday afternoon. The world spun and stopped in the same instant. How could it be possible? We'd exchanged emails only a few weeks ago. A true trailblazer in the sultry novel genre, Jackie Collins died this past Saturday. She was 77. "I never pretended to be a literary writer, " she once said. "I'm a school dropout. " LOS ANGELES, Sept 19 (Reuters) - Jackie Collins, the best-selling author of dozens of steamy novels who depicted the boardrooms By Alex Dobuzinskis, Reuters A funny thing happened during my interview with Jackie Collins at her hotel on Manhattan's Upper East Side on a humid Monday morning. Newsletter Sign Up The Morning Email Wake up to the day's most important news.

Vice: Hi, my name's Anissa and I'm calling from Vice Magazine in Australia. Jackie: Hi, it's Jackie. Hi Jackie, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm very well thank you. Good. I'm just calling to have a chat about your new book A Poor Little Rich Girl, I mean Poor Little Bitch Girl. Can you tell me a bit about the new book. Well it's about three girls who all went to high school together – they're all 25 at the beginning of the book – and one of them goes off to New York and starts running call girls. She gets involved with some bad boys including Frankey Romano, who's a DJ coke addict and she starts running call girls with him. Her parents are movie stars in Hollywood and her mother gets murdered right at the beginning of the book. The second character is Denver, who's a Lawyer. She's very feisty and she gets involved in investigating the murder. The third character is Caroline, who's working for a married senator in Washington. She goes to him in the first chapter and tells him she's pregnant and that he needs to leave his wife.